
Gwybodaeth ychwanegol

Gweld y problemau teithio i gyd IAWN
  • Caerphilly
  • Bargoed

Caerphilly - Bargoed trwy Llanbradach - Ystrad Mynach - Gelligaer Dydd Llun i ddydd Gwener (heblaw am wyliau banc)

Ffliciwch y sgrîn i weld yr amseroedd
at, Caerphilly Interchange Stand 9, Station Terrace, Caerphilly
at, South Gate Square, Cardiff Road, Caerphilly
o/s, Castle Entrance, Castle Street, Caerphilly
before, The Piccadilly (Pontygwindy Road), Pontygwindy Road, Caerphilly
o/s, Kwikfit, Pontygwindy Road, Pontygwindy
before, The Green Lady, Pontygwindy Road, Pontygwindy
o/s, ASDA, Pontygwindy Road, Pontygwindy
o/s, Pontygwindy Industrial Estate , Pontygwindy Road, Pontygwindy
adj, Mountain View, A469, Pwllypant
opp 57, Coed y Brain, Coed y Brain Road, Llanbradach
adj, Lewis Terrace, De Winton Terrace, Llanbradach
opp, Llanbradach War Memorial, High Street, Llanbradach
opp Pleasant Surroundings, Ffrwd Terrace, Glenview Terrace, Llanbradach
after, Wingfield Hotel, Wingfield Crescent, Llanbradach
before, Victoria Street, Caerphilly Road, Llanbradach
nr, The Rise, Caerphilly Road, Llanbradach
after, Dyffryn Business Park, Caerphilly Road, Ystrad Mynach
before, The Coopers Arms, Caerphilly Road, Ystrad Mynach
opp, Ystrad Fawr Hospital, Caerphilly Road, Ystrad Mynach
o/s, Ye Olde Royal Oak, Commercial Street, Ystrad Mynach
stop A , Post Office, Penallta Road, Ystrad Mynach
opp, Pantycelyn Street Playground, Pantycelyn Street, Ystrad Mynach
after, Ystrad Mynach Station, Nelson Road, Ystrad Mynach
before, Tredomen Business Park, A472, Tredomen
after, Duffryn Street, Penallta Road, Penallta
opp, Old Colliery, Penallta Road, Penallta
o/s, Pen-y-bryn Terrace, Penallta Road, Penybryn
nr, The Fox and Hounds, Trosnant Crescent, Penybryn
nr, Brynheulog Street, Trosnant Crescent, Penybryn
after, Gelli-wen Street, Trosnant Crescent, Penybryn
before, Heol Catwg Junction, Penallta Road, Gelligaer
o/s 5, Heol Catwg, Heol Catwg, Gelligaer
after, St Cattwg's Avenue, Aneurin Bevan Avenue, Gelligaer
o/s, Gelligaer Community Centre, Aneurin Bevan Avenue, Gelligaer
after, Penywrlod, Aneurin Bevan Avenue, Gelligaer
opp 49, Rectory Road, Rectory Road, Gelligaer
after, Harp Inn, Church Road, Gelligaer
before, Glyngaer Road, Pengam Road, Glyngaer
nr, Duffryn Park, Pengam Road, Penpedairheol
before, Berllanllwyd Street, Pengam Road, Penpedairheol
at, The Square, The Square, Glan-y-nant
opp, Lewis School, Cardiff Road, Glan-y-nant
before, Gwerthonor Place, Gwerthonor Place, Gilfach
opp, The Gwerthonor, Park Place, Gilfach
opp, Gilfach Workingmen's Club, Park Place, Gilfach
before, Capel Hotel, Park Place, Gilfach
after, Parc Hotel, Cardiff Road, Gilfach
Stop A, Hanbury Square, Wood Street, Bargoed
Stop B, Royal Square, Hanbury Road, Bargoed
at, Bargoed Interchange Stand 5, Bargoed Interchange, Bargoed
Service Number:
at, Caerphilly Interchange Stand 9, Station Terrace, CaerphillyDangos rhagor o arosfannauv07:4008:5509:5510:5511:5512:5513:5515:0016:0017:15
adj, Lewis Terrace, De Winton Terrace, LlanbradachDangos rhagor o arosfannauv07:5009:0510:0511:0512:0513:0514:0515:1016:1017:25
opp, Ystrad Fawr Hospital, Caerphilly Road, Ystrad MynachDangos rhagor o arosfannauv07:5809:1310:1311:1312:1313:1314:1315:1816:1817:33
stop A , Post Office, Penallta Road, Ystrad MynachDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:0109:1610:1611:1612:1613:1614:1615:2116:2117:36
nr, The Fox and Hounds, Trosnant Crescent, PenybrynDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:0609:2010:2011:2012:2013:2014:2015:2516:2517:40
o/s 5, Heol Catwg, Heol Catwg, GelligaerDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:0809:2210:2211:2212:2213:2214:2215:2716:2717:42
before, Berllanllwyd Street, Pengam Road, PenpedairheolDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:1309:2710:2711:2712:2713:2714:2715:3216:3217:47
opp, Lewis School, Cardiff Road, Glan-y-nantDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:1909:3010:3011:3012:3013:3014:3015:3516:3517:50
Stop A, Hanbury Square, Wood Street, BargoedDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:2609:3610:3611:3612:3613:3614:3615:4116:4117:56
at, Bargoed Interchange Stand 5, Bargoed Interchange, Bargoed08:2909:3910:3911:3912:3913:3914:3915:4416:4417:59
HRRS - Harris Coaches

Caerphilly - Bargoed trwy Llanbradach - Ystrad Mynach - Gelligaer Dydd Sadwrn

Ffliciwch y sgrîn i weld yr amseroedd
at, Caerphilly Interchange Stand 9, Station Terrace, Caerphilly
at, South Gate Square, Cardiff Road, Caerphilly
o/s, Castle Entrance, Castle Street, Caerphilly
before, The Piccadilly (Pontygwindy Road), Pontygwindy Road, Caerphilly
o/s, Kwikfit, Pontygwindy Road, Pontygwindy
before, The Green Lady, Pontygwindy Road, Pontygwindy
o/s, ASDA, Pontygwindy Road, Pontygwindy
o/s, Pontygwindy Industrial Estate , Pontygwindy Road, Pontygwindy
adj, Mountain View, A469, Pwllypant
opp 57, Coed y Brain, Coed y Brain Road, Llanbradach
adj, Lewis Terrace, De Winton Terrace, Llanbradach
opp, Llanbradach War Memorial, High Street, Llanbradach
opp Pleasant Surroundings, Ffrwd Terrace, Glenview Terrace, Llanbradach
after, Wingfield Hotel, Wingfield Crescent, Llanbradach
before, Victoria Street, Caerphilly Road, Llanbradach
nr, The Rise, Caerphilly Road, Llanbradach
after, Dyffryn Business Park, Caerphilly Road, Ystrad Mynach
before, The Coopers Arms, Caerphilly Road, Ystrad Mynach
opp, Ystrad Fawr Hospital, Caerphilly Road, Ystrad Mynach
o/s, Ye Olde Royal Oak, Commercial Street, Ystrad Mynach
stop A , Post Office, Penallta Road, Ystrad Mynach
opp, Pantycelyn Street Playground, Pantycelyn Street, Ystrad Mynach
after, Ystrad Mynach Station, Nelson Road, Ystrad Mynach
before, Tredomen Business Park, A472, Tredomen
after, Duffryn Street, Penallta Road, Penallta
opp, Old Colliery, Penallta Road, Penallta
o/s, Pen-y-bryn Terrace, Penallta Road, Penybryn
nr, The Fox and Hounds, Trosnant Crescent, Penybryn
nr, Brynheulog Street, Trosnant Crescent, Penybryn
after, Gelli-wen Street, Trosnant Crescent, Penybryn
before, Heol Catwg Junction, Penallta Road, Gelligaer
o/s 5, Heol Catwg, Heol Catwg, Gelligaer
after, St Cattwg's Avenue, Aneurin Bevan Avenue, Gelligaer
o/s, Gelligaer Community Centre, Aneurin Bevan Avenue, Gelligaer
after, Penywrlod, Aneurin Bevan Avenue, Gelligaer
opp 49, Rectory Road, Rectory Road, Gelligaer
after, Harp Inn, Church Road, Gelligaer
before, Glyngaer Road, Pengam Road, Glyngaer
nr, Duffryn Park, Pengam Road, Penpedairheol
before, Berllanllwyd Street, Pengam Road, Penpedairheol
at, The Square, The Square, Glan-y-nant
opp, Lewis School, Cardiff Road, Glan-y-nant
before, Gwerthonor Place, Gwerthonor Place, Gilfach
opp, The Gwerthonor, Park Place, Gilfach
opp, Gilfach Workingmen's Club, Park Place, Gilfach
before, Capel Hotel, Park Place, Gilfach
after, Parc Hotel, Cardiff Road, Gilfach
Stop A, Hanbury Square, Wood Street, Bargoed
Stop B, Royal Square, Hanbury Road, Bargoed
at, Bargoed Interchange Stand 5, Bargoed Interchange, Bargoed
Service Number:
at, Caerphilly Interchange Stand 9, Station Terrace, CaerphillyDangos rhagor o arosfannauv07:4008:5509:5510:5511:5512:5513:5515:0016:0017:15
adj, Lewis Terrace, De Winton Terrace, LlanbradachDangos rhagor o arosfannauv07:5009:0510:0511:0512:0513:0514:0515:1016:1017:25
opp, Ystrad Fawr Hospital, Caerphilly Road, Ystrad MynachDangos rhagor o arosfannauv07:5809:1310:1311:1312:1313:1314:1315:1816:1817:33
stop A , Post Office, Penallta Road, Ystrad MynachDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:0109:1610:1611:1612:1613:1614:1615:2116:2117:36
nr, The Fox and Hounds, Trosnant Crescent, PenybrynDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:0609:2010:2011:2012:2013:2014:2015:2516:2517:40
o/s 5, Heol Catwg, Heol Catwg, GelligaerDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:0809:2210:2211:2212:2213:2214:2215:2716:2717:42
before, Berllanllwyd Street, Pengam Road, PenpedairheolDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:1309:2710:2711:2712:2713:2714:2715:3216:3217:47
opp, Lewis School, Cardiff Road, Glan-y-nantDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:1909:3010:3011:3012:3013:3014:3015:3516:3517:50
Stop A, Hanbury Square, Wood Street, BargoedDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:2609:3610:3611:3612:3613:3614:3615:4116:4117:56
at, Bargoed Interchange Stand 5, Bargoed Interchange, Bargoed08:2909:3910:3911:3912:3913:3914:3915:4416:4417:59
HRRS - Harris Coaches